Continuing Education Center at Tishk International University have 4 different level of Turkish Language Course which is (Starter, Elementary, Pre intermediate, Intermediate) and we have (TOMER Preparation course) we have three different shifts (Morning, Afternoon and Evening) courses in the morning we have 4 days each day 4 lesson hours, in the afternoon we have 4 days each day 3 lesson hours and   in the evening we have 4 days each day 3 lesson hours.

Starter level: in this level we have been 66 Participants and the students study (main course and work book of Anadolu Turkish book A1) the lessons scheduled into 60 lesson hours. The course started 22.09.2018 and still it continuous.  

This course to be given by Mr. Mahir Hiwa, Mr. Hasan Gurbuz, Mr. Ertan, Mr. Faith

Elementary level: in this level we have been 7 Participants and the students study (main course and work book of Anadolu Turkish book A2) the lessons scheduled into 60 lesson hours. The course started 4.02.2018 until 22.05.2019.  

This course to be given by Mr. Zeynel Polat , Mr. Nurullah Darici.

The whole aim of CEC Turkish courses is to give the participants an excellent language environment at University atmosphere to improve their linguistic and purposes and to be continues their business trade with outside of the country by learning Turkish Language.

Tomer Preparation Course: in this we had 2 Participants they took TOMER Preparation Course for this exam they studied (HIT-HIT Turkish Book level B2 and C1) the lessons scheduled into 70 lesson hours. The course started 3 April 2019 until 29 May 2019.

The main of the course to give an excellent Technical skills about the exam and make them trust themselves.
