welcome party Class: Pre-intermediate

On November 1, 2020, Continuing Education Center organized a welcome party for the English Language School Pre-Intermediate Group students with their class teachers Zainab Nizar and Dunya Ibrahim. Eleven students attended the program.

In the program, cakes and drinks were offered to students. The course teachers were introduced, and the rules and regulations of the center were explained. Samples of coursebooks were delivered. Students were given a mini-seminar on physical distancing at school, practicing health and hand hygiene, cleaning and disinfecting tips for the classroom, and actions to take if a student appears sick.

There was a guest, Ms. Nuran from Dean of Students. She talked about the activities that the students can attend during their campus life, the family-like environment and the role of dean of students’ office in hearing every student’s problem and helping in any issue in addition to the donation programs hold for Rozhava.

At the end of the program, students were welcomed to English Language School again and wished them to have a good year and enjoy the classes.
